Welcome to gTipi and liborphy website
Use the sections on the left menus to navigate and download the latest versions.
Contact: Send me your mails to phneutre@icculus.org.
For more informations, my web page can be found here.
January 26th, 2003: some news
- liborphy : The Orphy GTI model support constitutes the next step in developement.
This has been made possible thanks to a contact at the Universit� de Savoie who
gives me an access to a GTI model, as well as to its documentation.
- gTipi : some new features (available on CVS, and currently in development)
such as fitting experimental points with a given model (non-linear least-square
fitting), and function plotting
(ala gnuplot).
- new paragraph that describes gTipi features in the
About gTipi section.
November 6th, 2002: liborphy 0.2.1
A new version of liborphy is available. It adds a simulation mode
(simulates an Orphy device for testing purposes), the ability to stop a
running acquisition, and some minor bugfixes.
Download :
October 25th, 2002: Science Festival photos
I was at the Science Festival in Chambery, France, on October 19-20th, to
make some demos of gTipi to high schools teachers. I put a photo in the
Screenshots section.
October 23rd, 2002: website update
This is the new website for gTipi and liborphy.
The main difference is that the new one is XHTML 1.0 and CSS1 compilant.
The presentation should also be more clear.
August 16th, 2002: status report
I made the port of gTipi to Gtk+-2.0 earlier than I planned, so it has
delayed the release of gTipi 0.2.0.
This version will be available as soon as a version of
will be released (currently, there is only CVS access).
Meanwhile, you can download latest gTipi sources on the
It needs Gtk+-2.0, and CVS versions of
gtkextra-2 and liborphy.
See old news archives.